Immigration & The Bible – Leviticus comes back to haunt Conservatives

These days, religion and politics seem to be one in the same. The line has been blurred so much that I sure as hell don’t see a line any more. Most issues are constantly debated in terms of the Bible, whether its abortion (“life is sacred and granted by God”) or even the war in Iraq (“end of days” anyone?). As evangelicals have hijacked the GOP, they’ve installed a religious litmus test for candidacy: only the most pious may win. And the Democrats? Don’t vote for them, they’re a bunch of godless, druggie, homosexual, Mexican lovers. The GOP evangelicals often quote Bible passages to argue their points, the most obvious which is their stance on homosexuality. “Leviticus! Leviticus!” is the only evidence they use to argue that homosexuality is sin. Well, if we’re working under the assumption that the Bible is the law of the land, what about the part regarding immigrants, another hot-ticket wedge issue pimped by the GOP? Let us consult our trusty virtual Bible to find out…

Leviticus 19.33-34: When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

Or, the modern translation:

Leviticus 19.33-34: When the Mexicans are living in the USA, treat them with respect. Treat them as if they are an US citizen. You used to be an illegal alien too, you know. I’m the man!

Seems pretty obvious to me. If evangelicals followed the Bible as well as they claim, they’d be all about amnesty and helping out immigrants. Instead, we see the opposite: xenophobia, hatred, and racism. And yet the pundits still wonder why the GOP is bankrupt in more ways than one.

2 responses to “Immigration & The Bible – Leviticus comes back to haunt Conservatives”

  1. Johnny says:


    What you fail to realize is that even in the days Leviticus was written like today alien’s or strangers were required to make themselves known to be accepted in a land and if they did not they were considered and traeated as hostile. If you study the word everyplace that Abraham went he went to the King of that land and sought asylam. He did not just enter an area that was not his and take up residence.

  2. Al in SoCal says:

    Leave it to a “Christian” to find a way around loving someone else.