Helpful World of Warcraft Macros: General

Below you will find a collection of my favorite general macros that can be useful to all classes in World of Warcraft. You may want to adjust the strings or ranks of spells to your liking. Some of these may look messy because they’ve been condensed to fit into the 255 character limit.


Instead of having multiple actionbar buttons for each of your mounts, the following macro will intelligently use the most applicable mount to your specific environment. If you are in a flyable area, your flying mount will be used, otherwise your regular land mount will be used.
/cast [nomounted,flyable] Green Windrider
/use [nomounted,outdoors] Swift Olive Raptor

Helpful World of Warcraft Macros: Shaman

Below you will find a collection of my favorite Shaman macros for World of Warcraft. You may want to adjust the strings or ranks of spells to your liking. Some of these may look messy because they’ve been condensed to fit into the 255 character limit.

Ancestral Spirit

This will send a message to your /raid, /party, or /say channel when you are resurrecting a dead comrade:
#showtooltip Ancestral Spirit
/run if GetNumRaidMembers()>0 then chan="RAID" elseif GetNumPartyMembers()>0 then chan="PARTY" else chan="SAY" end
/run SendChatMessage(">>> Rezzing "..UnitName("target").." <<<",chan)
/cast Ancestral Spirit

Ghost Wolf, Flying, and Land Mounts

This macro will intelligently select the best mount for your particular environment. If you are in combat, Ghost Wolf will be used. If you are not in combat and are in a flyable area, your flying mount will be used. Otherwise, your regular land mount will be used. (Taken from Wowwiki)
/cast [Stance:1] Ghost Wolf
/cast [button:2] Ghost wolf
/cast [nomounted,flyable] Green Windrider
/use [nomounted,outdoors] Swift Olive Raptor
/cast [combat,nomounted,outdoors] Ghost Wolf

PostfixAdmin – Virtual Vacation warning: connect to transport vacation

When trying to enable vacation/out-of-office support to our PostfixAdmin setup, I came across an error in /var/log/maillog:

Jun 19 11:52:10 host postfix/qmgr[5084]: warning: connect to transport vacation: No such file or directory

Turns out there is a typo in VIRTUAL_VACATION/INSTALL.txt. It tells you to add a service named “filter” to your file, but it should actually be named “vacation” like so:

vacation unix - n n - - pipe
flags=DRhu user=vacation argv=/var/spool/vacation/

I hope it is Rohrabacher’s family that suffers the consequences of illegal torture.

So Rep Rohrabacher says it’s ok to torture innocents for the greater good and that if we don’t support his view, he hopes our families suffer the consequences of a terrorist attack. Lets turn the tables around for a bit: I hope it is Rohrabacher’s family that suffers the consequences of illegal torture. Mr. Rohrabacher, I’d just like to ask if you’d be willing to submit your family to torture in order to prevent a terrorist attack? No? Why not? A true patriot indeed…

Cookies with PHP’s setcookie() and Safari

I’ve come across a little inconsistency between browsers and the way they handle cookies. Using the examples from PHP’s online manual, I was unable to get Safari to remove cookies using setcookie(). All other browsers would clear the cookie with no problems. It turns out that Safari will only delete cookies if both the cookie name AND the cookie path match.

In other words, this won’t work:

setcookie('TestCookie', 'somevalue', time()+3600, '/somepath/'); // Set cookie
setcookie('TestCookie', '', time()-3600); // Delete cookie

But this will work:

setcookie('TestCookie', 'somevalue', time()+3600, '/somepath/'); // Set cookie
setcookie('TestCookie', '', time()-3600, '/somepath/'); // Delete cookie

Basically, if you set a cookie using a path, you must also specify the path when deleting the cookie. Safari won’t remove the cookie otherwise. This is probably a good thing.

Retrospect Express HD for Maxtor OneTouch: Assertion failure at tree.cpp-2528

My nightly backups kept failing with the following error:

Retrospect has encountered a serious error:
Assertion failure at tree.cpp-2528
A log of this error has been written to the file "assert_log.utx".
Please dell Dantz about this problem.

As with all Retrospect problems, the fix is easy. Simply remove X:\Retrospect Restore Points\RestorePoint.rbc (where ‘X’ is your external drive’s letter) and let Restrospect re-create it. This will often take several hours, so be patient. Once Retrospect has finished re-indexing everything, your backups should resume as normal.

Any time I have had a problem with Retrospect, it can always be fixed by re-building the .rbc file.